Saturday, June 30, 2012


The Lunasea group is "crazy" wonderful. There has been so much to experience so far. I am half way through the 2 week stay and I could easily stay here much longer. There are people who live on the farm, and then the other WWOOFers, all rotating through and contributing their character.

A group of  brilliant college students from California (LA/San Diego), instantly became my new best friends. Trips to the river, exploring parts of Portland, on-going jokes while weeding in the gardens or campfire meals...all of these and more solidified the fact that you can make life-long friends wherever you want. They're the best! Such healthy laughter and discussions.

The work here is pretty much just like every where else, as weeding is the most demanding task of all. We have done transplanting and some animal care, the guys have split a lot of wood and everyone has shared a talent at some point while here. My favorite- cooking skills over the fire pit, and surprisingly tasty options in the all outdoor kitchen.

I have been able to adventure out to so many cool spots, including the hike up Neahkahnie Mountain that overlooks Manzanita and the coastline. I absolutely love the town as well and could totally see  myself living here for a while. Cute places, beautiful landscape, and the people are all into the same eco-conscious community mindset. The first night I was here the Cali group and I drove up the coast to Astoria while the sun was setting. So beautiful. So lots already seen, but more to come. I know that there is a fishing day in the agenda and a separate beach visit. Ohhh yes and the night of the 4th will be memorable I'm sure, these friends love to celebrate all things- like the huge gathering of artistic and beautiful people on Wednesday for Hank's birthday. :)

I could actually write a whole journal's worth of things that have happened here and all of the hilarious comments or conversations. This is all completely priceless, the best adventure I could ask for right now. All smiles unless it's cold out! Gotta love all of these beautiful WWOOFers and farm folk.

Pictures soon.... Enjoy the glorious weekend!

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