Friday, August 24, 2012

So Here We Are.

I open this post first with a quote...
“Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Beard

This is the first update in a while! And reflecting on all of my past quotes I was able to really get this one to interlock with what I've been able to create in the last month.

I am sitting out with a cup of tea and observing the sun and clouds on all of the green living things around the farm in Nehalem. Wanting to update this before I make my next move. So as it goes, I went to Portland from Seattle on the 12th. Then I headed out to Nehalem and Lunasea again the next day and have been here since. The day I came back was so awesome and I felt so happy getting closer and closer to see these people again. Then, as pulling up and having Hank greet me with a big hug was the best. I helped out with the greenhouse and met two new people, Mark and Simon.

Mark is around a lot now processing the logged wood available and getting our hilltop site ready for the huge new greenhouse. Simon is this great source of knowledge and culture, and he's here in the states from Germany for the summer. So he happened upon this place and was working for a little over a week. It was a blast listening to his adventure stories and laughing about silly things like American cliches and German myths. Then when he was gone and Sofia had ventured away for the weekend, it was the smallest group I've seen here.

Now we have a few more generous people working around the farm and it's all just ever changing detail. I have talked with Hank about the upcoming fall and he wasted little time when requesting that my presence here be accompanied with additional responsibility long term. This, I am excited about. With the changes in permanent "staff" this summer, he was totally on-board with my desire to stay longer. Along with my move here, which will be official in less than 2 weeks, I'll be starting educational time with Vivi on herbal healing. She is the sweetest funniest woman to be around and glean great info from. I will also be obtaining a job in town, that is to be decided yet. Hopefully with the health food store Mother Nature. Otherwise there's serving openings at a couple of the local restaurants. :) Anything new would be fun.

My plan to go harvest hops in Ashland starting Monday is to be underway beginning tomorrow. I wont go into the fine print because I honestly have no idea how it's going to work out. So I will let you all know when something develops. If it should work out, I will be returning to Nehalem on the 3rd for my long-term, semi- permanent stay. Details details.....

Stay Tuned!

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