Sunday, July 22, 2012

A hopefully accurate account of what happened 3 weeks ago...

Well the latter part of my stay with the people and place of Lunasea was full of eventful moments. Eirinn and I chose to join Hank, Jason and Matche on their fishing afternoon off of rocks by the ocean. You could see Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach from our spot, and the boulders and little critters were a lot of fun to explore. Unfortunately, the tide influenced the lack of success in catching anything, but it was an awesome day. :)

The logging operation that was going on on the back side of the property was mostly completed in the days before I left, and the difference in scenery now is really crazy. However, Hank's optimistic about the chance to extend an orchard area to the open hillside now- which is prime.

I was able to fly to Seattle on the 3rd and stay for a while on the 4th, which gave us the chance to celebrate mine and Carly's birthdays. Sierra and Ben played wonderful duets with their instruments and vocals and there was pool time involved. Uncle Matt and Aunt Jenn had some days to spend there too, and it was so great getting to spend time with them while they are in the states.

The night of the 4th, a few of us drove out to the coast and hiked down to a really sweet drift wood observatory for the firework show in Manzanita. There are a few photos I took, that are sadly in limbo now, that show the colorful array and the great fire we had for the late night. My obligation (if there is such a thing) to go out drinking legally played out when the girls and I stopped in at Tsunami the next day to engage in funny talk and enjoy super tasty creations, courtesy Eirinn and Hank. Cool place to relax and watch the fabulous sun setting. Beach visit and farming activities, like runing irrigation line and generator, was the last notable thing for me and Nehalem.

I have unfortunately had my beloved partner, Nikon D60, taken into the universe away from my reach. It is missed most passionately. I am working on the next plan to obtain another camera in the following week or so, and will be on track soon. Now...onto the Corvallis update...

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