Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Departure Time!

Well, as I was getting in contact with my 2nd host (the vineyard and winery), my intentions were to set up a 2 week stay following Portland on the 17th of June. However, the host had different ideas and plans and had let me know that there was already enough help that part of the month.

So Felix had a request, and it was as follows; "I really am looking for someone in May." I stumbled a little bit when I listened to how my original plans just weren't gonna mesh with his, aaand then accepted the challenge.

My little perfect departure plan had been to stop working at the Roosevelt mid May following the paycheck, then just relax and maybe do a few extra things here and there. So now I will be leaving immediately after I am finished working in May so that I may give the 2 needed weeks at my location in Carlton. Then as planned I will head back to Portland and work with Cascadia. I am now working the details for my third stop, and am pretty sure that it will put me in Nehalem about the 23rd of June through my birthday and onto about the 7th of July. :)

I am just really really excited about this all happening. I was a bit confronted, but for the good. I know that every part of this adventure will test my character and drive hahaha. It's all so good!

“When we get out of the glass bottle of our ego and when we escape like the squirrels in the cage of our personality and get into the forest again, we shall shiver with cold and fright. But things will happen to us so that we don’t know ourselves. Cool, unlying life will rush in.” – D.H. Lawrence

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What I'm Up To

Hello my many communities of friends and family!

I'll give you a basic outline of what's goin on with my life and what I have in the works for the near future.

I started thinking of what I want to do next in my life last fall, when I was faced with financial aid payments and moments of inspiration. I had enough financial aid to get me a full semester- spring of 2011, however did not have previous payments completed for my Fall 2010. Because of that detail I was unable to use the full amount of financial aid after payments had been made for my Spring 2012 semester. So right now I am in 2 classes and am working pretty consistently at the Inn.

I formulated a plan of action for the time following this term at NIC. Then I took action. The plan is as follows: move to Oregon for the summer months, participate with the amazing WWOOFing organization while there, have an on-going search for the next perfect job and/or internship in the area of photography, if my desire is still present I will make my next permanent move to live and work, where ever that may be.

Now, what is so as of today: I am going to be living/working on a chestnut farm in north Portland the first two weeks in June. The farm is one of many hosts associated with WWOOF (informational link below). All of the farms, orchards, vineyards and the like either are certified organic establishments or are at least in the practice of organic production. I am now making efforts to finish the schedule for the remainder of my summer. I am in contact with four other farms spread throughout the state and will be in Ashland the first week in September harvesting hops with a family-run farm there. :)

I am not sure how everything is going to go, nor do I absolutely have to know how it will go. This is the art of Being. I am completely excited about the opportunity I have now and am throwing myself into it acting with and practicing my possibility of Courage and Freedom with a major dose of Excitement.

Thank you all of my people who have encouraged me and supported me in taking my next step. I will attempt to make regular updates as I develop my plans.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Love you all. Jaida.
